
Friday, April 20, 2007

The Virginia Tech Shootings Were Preventable.

I hate the types of BS correlations which are drawn in cases like this. Guns didn't make this guy kill people, writing dumb plays didn't do it, and neither did his foul language, way of dressing, video games, or religion. The simple fact is that he was crazy. Did any of these things make him crazy? Fuck no, these were the things he liked. Generally, its the things someone doesn't like that dives them nuts. Should we politicize craziness? Why not?

What made him crazy? I know a lot of crazy people. Some of them go crazy when they're too alone... while others go crazy when they're around too many people. Some of them go crazy while driving in traffic, while some people are afraid to drive. Others go crazy when they haven't had enough medication, or had too much. Some people go crazy when picture frames are slightly to the left, while others may insist nothing should go to the right. Some believe that they are in the morally righteous no matter what they do, while others might believe that they are not allowed to do anything because everyone is against them.

What can we outlaw to stop crazy people? Hmmm... Let's make everything white. Infact, let's make everyone wear blindfolds so they are not disturbed by their environment. Why not just lock everyone in their rooms as well, removing any sharp objects. People don't need all the stress they have, so no one should really work... well some. We need two sections of society, the authority and the people. The authority is never crazy. If the people would just shut up, and listen to the authority, they wouldn't need to be crazy either. This will make society sane. Shootings like this will never happen again.

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Blogger Media-storage Wholesale said...

i don't think so many people would have died back then if they all had guns or weapons to protect themselves. That sick boy would not have the balls to attack defensefull people. I miss the samurai/cowboy days when every man was responsible for his own life.

10:49 PM  

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